Emotionally Fueling UP! ⬆️ 😌

Reflect & Respond✍️

This reading was very convicting and spoke nothing but TRUTH!

1.) In two paragraphs (4-6 sentences in each paragraph), discuss a time when someone or a group of individuals fueled you emotionally. Was it one person or a group of people? When did this take place? What did they say or do to fuel you? Did they create a shared vision with you? Utilize your "ME" diagram and your class notes to guide your response. 

I remember my specific experience at the 2019 encampment of American Legion Palmetto Boys State at the one and only Anderson University. The delegate selection process was extremely selective only 4 guys out of 10 are selected to go from the county. Meaning everyone had a reason and really wanted to be there as the program is based upon self-growth and leadership development. I was apart of the city Chattooga--we were the CHATTOOGA CHEERLEADERS mind you it only males the entire time LOL. It was a huge group of 30+ guys from multiple different counties and cities across South Carolina--no one in the group knew each other, no one from the same area was in a group together--we were all complete strangers living together for a week. 

This group was extremely emotionally fueling as we were all guys who didn't know each other on Sunday and were able to call each other brothers by the end of the week on Saturday. I was reserved at first but this group helped me get out of my shell and comfort zone. I was surrounded by other males jumping, screaming, hollering, chanting and all being something I never did or was use to--at first I hated it and felt out of place. Eventually, with the encouragement, my counselors, and friendships I made on Tuesday of that week I began to finally enjoy "retreat" and chant, scream, yell, and just enjoy myself as an individual and aspiring leader. The environment pushed us to be ourselves regardless of what others say or think, put ourselves out there more, and remain humble and level-headed during the process and to let one week start our lives-- this was the shared vision. 

2.) Why do you think we need accountability and support in our lives as leaders?

Accountability and support extremely vital to our lives as leaders. Having accountability brings responsibility and clarity to many situations that may arise--it gives that person a sense of control over their actions and let's them know all of our actions have consequences that can be either good and potentially bad. Support is something everyone needs especially leaders if they want to lead effectively and efficiently. Having support gives us leaders a sense of security in that someone has our back and agree with what we are doing. In addition to that, it helps who we're leading more open to what we do and say. Plus, leaders are HUMANS and we get drained sometimes and require support to keep us alive and thriving--emotional fueling. 

3.) A frequently quoted proverb says, As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. List ways one person can sharpen another person in a relationship.

One person can sharpen another in a relationship by remaining empathetic and understanding of things, effectively communicating, and being overall supportive of each other and their decisions. In addition to that, both must be open to having tough/uncomfortable/constructive conversations and swallowing their pride--humility and actively listen to what each person has to say. This will keep everyone on the same page and all hearts and minds clear! 

4.) How does using symbolic language/images and being unique provide emotional fuel to others?

Using symbolic language/images tend to stick more than words as many people like or prefer visual illustrations to help paint a picture of what something looks like. As it all tied to emotions and the brain and how we interpret and internalize different things we hear, see and listen to. Being unique and authentic is very similar to attributes of a "thermostat" leader who sets the climate in the room. And is very accepting and sure of his/herself which makes everyone else around the comfortable with being who they truly are and not presenting "favorable" sides of who they are. It also, gives everyone a sense of security and belongingness and fuel them up emotionally--as they see someone real and true before their eyes--inspiring a vision of uniqueness and authenticity. 

5.) What are the weak spots where you need the counsel of others in your life? Are there areas where you feel you have an empty tank?

Some of my weak spots are my self-acceptance and self-esteem and allowing myself to be who I truly am and not switch up to "fit in". I try to rely heavily on the counsel of other when dealing with this as I honestly do not know how to handle or control it on my own. But, I am a very independent person, with the mindset of " I need to do everything myself, I can't and do not want to rely on others for anything" this is either really good or damaging at times. My self-acceptance is an extremely personal issue that I don't talk about to everyone about. And my self-esteem is an issue that stemmed from my past dealing with people and what inspired I don't trust people attitude. These are two majors area that at the end of the day I feel drained, sad, and lonely. I very empty tank that I can't seem to get filled again unfortunately, :(. As the book says Never lead out of need. Trying my best no to. 


  1. I like how you referenced your time at Palmetto Boys State and I am sure that was a great opportunity to improve your leadership skills. I also like how you address that empathy is a part of how iron sharpens iron. Empathy is incredibly important in leadership and it allows us to better connect with others. Who provides accountability and support in your life?

  2. It is fantastic that you were able to connect uniqueness and thermostats. Yes, being unique can allow you to set the tone for how your constituents will follow you. It is vital to be as authentic as possible. Also, empathy, effective communication, and support are very important when it comes to leading. You never know when you will be someone else's emotional fuel.

    - Calvin J.

  3. I love how you talked in question 3 about the importance of understanding one another and being empathetic. I think it's so overlooked sometimes but empathy is such an important trait, without understanding others we will never be able to grow our own perspectives and see more than just ourselves, so being empathetic with one another is incredibly important to sharpening one another.

  4. I liked your response to question 5, how independence can be both a boon and a bane! Its important to realize that and take strides to rectify it in our own way!


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