Opportunities are here one day and gone the next....πŸ‘»πŸ‘€

 Reflect & Respond ✍️

1.) How do you use your time? We all mean well at the beginning of each day, but somehow we get off track and waste so much of it. What stands in your way of using your time wisely?

Typically, I use my time wisely as I am always preparing for classes, getting big assignments and projects on the road so, things don't become overwhelming. I attempt to do a 30-min cool down walk everyday, and try to leave my room for a bit to socialize--time willing. I plan my days out in advance hoping that it all goes to plan, which most of the time it does. But, I get side-tracked very easily by going to DIGS and seeing people I know and having long full-blown conversations, getting invited to do things off campus, and being asked to attend events for different organizations around campus. Overall, I will say my personality and constant need to socialize mentality stands in the way. In my mind it's easy for me to get off tasks--similar to herding a pack of squirrels--it tends to be everywhere at once. I have a hard time cutting my socializing time short and returning to my more pressuring tasks. I go with the flow of things a lot instead of taking charge and setting time for me to socialize and return back to my scheduled/planned day. 

2.) Think back on your previous leadership experiences. In 2 paragraphs (4-6 sentences), describe a time that you missed out on an opportunity. How did it make you feel? Do you regret missing the opportunity? What will do next time to ensure your don't miss any opportunities?

I remember during Graduation time the guidance department reached out to me and said I was responsible for speaking at graduation. Specifically, I was responsible for the benediction as I was the reigning Senior class president at time. I was so scared to miss up and say the wrong thing, I passed up the opportunity to allow someone else say it instead. Reflecting,  I feel rather low and cheated-- I cheated myself and like I was unfit to lead at the time, when I did not know who I was and what confidence looked like in a leader.  I regret passing up this opportunity even though, it was small it was my time to say my final goodbye to my fellow classmates before we all parted our separate ways πŸ˜”.  I will pursue the opportunity completely through and not back down like a coward-- I will expect to webble, get ready to wobble, and prepare to fall down. As, I am a human and I am not perfect. However, I will ensure I try my very best, that is all that matters in the end. 

3.) Why do you think so many of us simply waste so much of our time? Why don't we value it?
I feel as if many of us simply forget that time is fleeting and is something we will never ever get or have the same experiences again in our life. For example, I can NEVER revisit my time at Union County High as a student leader. I can never revisit my time at prom, or at my last football game, and I can never revisit yesterday--it all gone. I didn't realize this during the time, looking back I do to make the most of my time and be happy while doing it. I remember a quote that goes like this "yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift that is why it is called the present". I interpret that to mean quit wasting time and living in the past, CARPE DIEM "seize the day" live in the present and take every positive and necessary opportunities you're presented with. Lastly, we don't value because we think it lasts forever (take it for granted) until it passes by and catches up to us then we regret that we didn't use/spend time wisely. Usually, at this point it is too little, too late, unfortunately. (Life is short, enjoy it while you can) 

4.) List the ways you seize opportunities and make the most of your time each day? Also, incorporate how you hold yourself accountable. What are your accountability measures?
Firstly,  As Thomas Moore the author of "The Sacred Arts of Life" says to "Take a pause and enjoy the arts of life, the soul cannot thrive in a fast-paced life because being affected, taking things in and chewing on them, requires time. Living artfully, therefore, might require somethings as simple as pausing. Some people are incapable of being arrested by things because they are always on go". Meaning sometimes to seize these opportunities we must slow down and first acknowledge them. I am so guilty of staying in my room all day and doing school and not pausing to go out. By doing this, I miss out on different opportunities around campus. From here on out to seize the opportunities and make the most of my time each day I was take time to pause and live in the present and let myself go out more, give my body and mind a break, explore new things that pushes me way out of my comfort zone. I plan to hold myself accountable by living my room for 30 minutes to an hour each day to do something no matter what it is--set inside my daily schedule. My accountability measures will be my friend Rob who will ask me If I left my room for the day or asking me to go do something with him. Here, recently, I've been out and about a lot more than usual. (I'm getting better at seizing opportunities and making most of my time!) 

5.) Can you quickly name your top priorities? What are they at work, at school, and at home?
My top priorities are as follows, school/graduating with B.A. in MLED-Social Studies, uphold my current positions on campus, continue my financial development journey, keep and get my body in better shape. At work they are continuing to serve the needs of our customer
s with low prices and good customer service at your local Newport Walmart, at school they are to maintain an average above or at a 3.5 GPA, try/do my best in every course I take, and learn new things each day. At home my priorities have shifted to assist my family if at all possible and if needed. 

I don't know why but, I thought of this song the whole time....don't let opportunities drive by you!


  1. Hey Jaquarious, I really like that you take 30 minuest to an hour to go outside and be out of your dorm room. That is awesome! I also try and make sure that I spend some time outside, socialzing with friends, or at the gym. I too can get caught up in work, but I always try to meet up with friends for dinner. Also, I thought the quote you shared about seizing opportunities was really interesting, and I liked it A LOT. I agree that if we are always on the clock and thinking about the future, then we will miss out on opportunites and the beauty of life right in front of us. Taking time to pause is a great way to look at and recognize different opportunites around us. Afterall, we can seize an opportunity if we do not know it's there.

  2. I really loved the honesty in this post! I could stand to take a lot of advice from this post as I am not as good at planning out my days. I also love the motivation to seize the day and my opportunities it gives us. Maybe i'll have to try the 30 minute walk around, might just help me do better!

  3. Hi Jaquarius,

    Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm glad that you recognized the missed opportunity but it's ok to not jump on every single one. You sound like you have a lot on your plate, and especially since that was during COVID, it's understandable. As to your first answer, I am the complete opposite. I am not very social and rather get distracted by my mind or things in my surroundings. I think it sounds like setting aside social/work time would be best for you so you have a schedule and can hold yourself accountable.


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