DRIVER's & Passengers.....๐Ÿš—๐Ÿš™๐ŸšŒ

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Drivers & Passengers 

1.) What factors have lured us into thinking like "victims" in our country? When something goes wrong, what is it that makes people prone to file a lawsuit instead of take responsibility?

I think there are multiple factors that have lured us into thinking like "victims". Firstly, our country has never truly taken responsibility or accountability for it's actions as whole whether it is social, political, or economical. Another factor could be our home environment and the people around us. We constantly seek to blame someone as it somewhat preservers our ego/pride in a sense that "we're good people, we don't do such things to cause trouble" when all along we've been poking at the angry bear. Then when things go bad, we automatically are blameless and faultless. We'd rather someone else bear the consequence than us ourself, cover our own bases/interests. People would rather file a lawsuit than take responsibility because they often times self-justify their actions, which minimizes their mistakes and bad decisions. They'd rather blame someone else for what happened, than acknowledge and address what they did to make it get that point. Making every excuse in the world to why it is not their fault--always pointing fingers and blame shifting. And lastly, people would rather hear a lie than the truth, it's almost as if the truth is unbearable for someone to hear. All because they want to play the sweet and innocent "victim". Responsibility and Accountability goes a long way! 

2.) What is the difference between those who take responsibility and those who don't? What are symptoms or evidence of a person who assumes responsibility? 

A person who takes responsibility is someone who has assumed the driver position of their life and able to accept, acknowledge, and address things when they arise in life--a true leader who's positive, persistent, and purposeful. They understand their actions have consequences whether good or bad, and are prepared to face them. Those who don't are still in the passenger position of their life cannot accept responsibility for the things that happen, everything bad is always someone else's fault. Cannot assume driver status, as they cannot control their life or what happens because they are still playing the "victim".  A person who assumes responsibility is someone who is very honest, genuine, and persistent in the face of adversity. Can stand-up and change their life,  build from the ground up--no whoa is me attitude. 

3.) Think of an environment where you are more of a "passenger" than a "driver." What makes you act like a passenger instead of a driver? In your personal opinion, do you think it's okay to occasionally be a passenger? If so, please explain why so.

My work environment I am little bit of a "passenger" than a "driver". Many things that occur with customer service I try not to assume responsibility for.  Like remaining friendly when an angry customer is chewing me out about the store and I make a "smart" remark. I pass it off as they
had it coming, or they started with me first, to not feel so bad about it. For example, when I was a sophomore in high school working at pizza hut, this lady who was extremely rude and unruly had an expired coupon, that I refused to approve, so she proceeded to yell and curse at me. When I laughed and said "sounds like a personal problem not for me". I warranted her response, but when my supervisor arrived, I played the "victim" and passenger not assuming responsibility for the confrontation. On another note, I do think it is okay to occasionally be a "passenger" something truly are out of your control and you are truly the victim of something, which makes it hard to try to assume responsibility for when it was clearly not your fault. No matter how bad you feel about it, at the end of the day it is not your fault. 


  1. I also worked in customer service as a cashier at a sub shop through high school and I didn't realize how much of a passenger I could be at times until reading your response! Mostly I had trouble interacting with angry customers because they would come off so harsh but keeping your cool is so hard when someone is getting in your face like that. (Also, I like that you included the song haha)

  2. I like how you addressed that victims tend to place the blame on other people in order to preserve their ego. I think we all do this because our pride gets in the way of owning up to our actions. I also like how you said that a person who assumes responsibility is willing to face the consequences that come as a result of their actions. How have you learned from your experience in customer service? Do you think that it is important to find a balance between being a driver and a passenger?

  3. Its nice that your able to reflect on past work situations and apply the passenger and driver concept to that. I find your pizza hut story really interesting, because the lady did deserve it really- but its still one of those things unfortunately you have to hold your tounge about.


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